Windows x Stranger Things


Eleven reasons this collaboration rocked.

Number 3 will shock you.

1. Nostalgia works

Did you read the #WindowsUglySweater post? Same deal.

Tapping into the nostalgia for this campaign just plain got people engaged. It’s was easy as giving candy to a baby.

Snag a few images from the product archives, tease something about summertime, and watch the clicks roll in.



2. Talk to the nerds

It’s easy to forget in the current landscape of great television variety, but Stranger Things hit a pretty lonely sweet spot for a few years there. In 2019 it was THE water cooler show.

Talking about the show in the show’s lingo to show fans? Rad, man.



3. Some oldies are still goodies.

This collaboration allowed us to not only tap into our Minecraft-aged Stranger Things fans, but also the decades-long power users with long memories.

A solid third of our engagements were those long-time businessmen and women who weren’t guessing on polls like this. That’s pretty cool!